Nearby Activities

Grampians National Park (Wonderland)
Off The Beaten Track Walks
Boronia Peak – a rocky peak with spectacular views
Distance: 6.6km
Time: 2 – 3 hours
Elevation Change: 300 metres
Grade: Medium
Start: Tandara Road Car park
Cross Fyans Creek (Barriyaloog Creek) footbridge and begin the steady climb through tall Messmate forest and native pines, along the western slope of the Mt William Range. A scramble up the rocky summit rewards you with superb views towards Lake Fyans and over the Fyans valley. Return by the same route. Take care of cliffs and supervise children at all times.

Tunnel Track from Pomonal – a historic bridle trail
Distance: 2.4km one way
Time: 1 – 1 ½ hours
Elevation Change: 230 metres
Grade: Medium
Start: Tunnel Road Car park (11km from Halls Gap on the Ararat-Halls Gap Road)
An information board in the car park provides an insight into the development of the historic tunnel. From the car park the track begins its steady climb past rocky outcrops to the top of the range. Descending the other side, you gain magnificent views of the Serra Range. From a forest clearing, at the western tunnel entrance, you can return to the starting point or continue to Borough Huts Campground or to Halls Gap.

Chautauqua Peak Loop – peaks and wet weather waterfalls
Distance: 5.6km circuit
Time: 2 – 3 hours
Elevation Change: 200 metres
Grade: Medium
Start: Recreation Oval car park, 150 metres from start of Mt Victory Road Halls Gap
Mt Victory Road to Chautauqua Peak (2.9km, medium)
Follow the sign posted track through open forest to the foot of Climatis Falls (best after rain). Return 100 metres to an intersection and follow sign posts and orange track markers along rocky areas, steeply up to the summit of Chautauqua Peak.
Chautauqua Peak to Halls Gap (2.7km, medium)
Return to the main track and follow signs to Bullaces Glen, a lush fern gully under Blackwoods. Continue down through a fern grove to Mt Victory Road. Carefully cross this road, veering down a rocky track, and through the Botanic Gardens.

Bullaces Glen Loop – spring wildflowers and wet weather waterfall
Distance: 1.7km circuit
Time: 1 – 1 ½ hours
Elevation Change: 80 metres
Grade: medium
Start: . Car park opposite shops in Halls Gap (walk through the car park, past the swimming pool and cross the sealed road)
Follow the track and cross the suspension bridge to the Botanic Gardens. Take the track to the right of the information board. The track winds up rock steps to Mt Victory Road. Carefully cross the road and begin a short climb to a waterfall at shady Bullaces Glen (best after rain). Continue across the creek, following signs back to Halls Gap.

Grampians National Park(Southern Grampians
Off The Beaten Track Walks
Manja Shelter – a gentle walk to an Aboriginal Cultural Site
Distance: 2.6km
Time: 1 hour
Elevation Change: 100 metres
Grade: easy
Start: Car park, Harrop Track
An uphill walk winds past rocky outcrops and through a stringbark forest. A series of steps leads to boardwalks which protect the moist heathland areas near Manja Shelter. Return by the same route. For more information on Aboriginal Culture, visit Brambuk, The National Park and Cultural Centre in Halls Gap.

Grampians Trike Tours A new and must do activity/attraction is the Grampians Trike Tours who can take you on a great ride on their German made Boom Mustang Trike. From ½ hour tours, 3 hour wine or lunch tours to a tour of your own making. This is a unique and exciting way to see the Grampians – for more information please click here to visit their website.
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